Part A applies to an Applicant and Part B applies to an Authorised Partner. Please scroll down to ensure you have read all applicable terms.
The terms ‘Applicant’, ‘Application’, ‘Application Information’, ‘Authorised Partner’, ‘University’ and ‘Website’ have the same meaning given to them in the OA Terms of Use.
As the Applicant, I declare that:-
- I have completed and hereby submit (with my parent or legal guardian’s consent, if under 18 years of age) my Application in accordance with the information and explanatory notes included in this online applications Website;
- the Application Information is true, up to date and complete and is a full and frank disclosure of information pertinent to my enrolment;
- there are no reasons (legal or otherwise) that would prevent me from submitting the Application Information; and
- I have read and confirm my agreement, and (if under 18 years of age) I have also obtained my parent’s or legal guardian’s consent to agree, to the OA Terms of Use and the OA Privacy Notice.
I further understand and agree that:-
- the Application Information, when submitted to the University, becomes the property of the University and will not be returned to me;
- I must promptly inform the University of:
- any change to the Application Information that may affect the Application; and
- any Application Information that is or becomes false, incorrect, incomplete or misleading;
- should I become a student of the University, there is an ongoing obligation for me to provide and update the University with true, relevant and current information for the period of my enrolment;
- the University limits and excludes its liability on the terms set out in the OA Terms of Use, including for loss of and errors in relation to Application Information; and
- the University may at any time reject or suspend the Application or may vary or cancel any decision (including any offer) it makes in relation to the Application if the University has reasonable grounds to believe any part of the Application Information, or any declaration I have given, is or has become false, incorrect, incomplete or misleading.
I provide the University and its personnel (including contractors assisting the University) with permission to:-
- confirm my academic results as provided by me, from other institutions directly or through third parties, such as Qualsearch;
- use and disclose the Application Information as the University requires for the purposes of administering the Application (which includes storing, evaluating, verifying and otherwise processing the Application Information) and this online applications Website and for any other purposes and under any other consents set out in the OA Terms of Use or the OA Privacy Notice and for any purposes reasonably related to those purposes;
- transfer the Application Information to, and receive it from, persons (including individuals, companies, government bodies and other entities) outside of Australia if I am outside of Australia or if the University requires for any purposes and under any other consents set out in the OA Terms of Use or the OA Privacy Notice and for any purposes reasonably related to those purposes; and
- take any lawful action they require if the Application Information is incorrect, untrue or misleading in any respect or is not up to date (including modifying information or taking legal or other action).
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).
As an Authorised Partner, I declare that:-
- I have the Applicant’s written authority and consent to submit this Application online to the University;
- the Application Information has been entered into the online applications Website in accordance with the OA Terms of Use and the information and explanatory notes included in this online applications Website;
- I have obtained a signed copy of the Applicant’s Declaration & Agreement form (as provided by the University) and included for the Applicant a copy of the OA Terms of Use and the OA Privacy Notice; and
- I have read and confirm my agreement to the OA Terms of Use and the OA Privacy Notice.
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code (Commonwealth).
Copyright © August 2015 The University of Queensland. All rights reserved.